
Exclusive Summer Deals currently available, just for you!

The tastiest & easiest way to lose weight fast

Sticking to your weight loss journey is simple - with our exclusive summer meal plans delivered to your door daily.

Sign up now!

Fill in the form and one of our nutrition experts contacts you to recommend the perfect meal plan.

Let us give your some numbers:

Satisfied Customers
> 0
Delivered Meals
> 0
Satisfaction Rate
> 0 %

Do you know the following situations?


You want to lose or keep your weight, however, it’s not really working and you always bounce back. You struggle to keep track of calories you consume.  

You are busy with work, life, or family and don’t want to waste time buying groceries or preparing and cooking food. You often end up ordering unhealthy food.

You often feel a bit sluggish at home, work, or in the gym. It feels like you are not operating at 100%. You are plateauing in the gym instead of getting stronger.

Your advantages with our meal plan?

Reach your goals

You can plan ahead and easily hit your daily calorie goal so that you loose, maintain or gain weight, depending on your body goals!

Save time & stress

You save your hours of time that you would spend on buying, cooking and preparing food. Use the free time to do what you want to!

Feel energized & fit

Our food is freshly cooked with the best ingredients - you feel energized and fit. Our chefs prepare creative food choices so you can look forward to every meal you get.

Save your money

You will save money. Instead of ordering (junk) food you will get nutrient rich food that tastes better, is way healthier and costs less.

We commit so that you reach your goals


Dear Reader,

I am Noah, founder and owner of The Fit Food Kitchen. We prepare fresh & healthy food for more than a decade.  

During all those years I got very close with our Dubai customers and I learned what their problems and goals are. I know that you have a goal as well.

Whether you want to lose weight, become fitter, feel more energized, healthy, and motivated, or if you just want to save your time and money – together with my team we support you in reaching your goal

We helped more than 7,000 customers reach their personal goals with our chef-cooked and tailored meal plans. 

I encourage you to request a Free Consultation with one of our nutrition experts, to find the perfect meal plan that will help you reach your goal and that is delicious at the same time. 

Hope to talk soon! 

Our Meal Plans

Exemplary Images

Weight Loss Plan

This plan is tailored to individuals who want to reduce their current weight, without sacrificing taste and energy. It mainly focuses on delicious quality proteins and vegetables. 

Balanced Plan

Our balanced plan consists of a variety of delicious carbohydrates, vegetables and proteins. It helps you to maintain your weight and supports you if you want to build muscle and get stronger. 

Vegetarian Plan

Our vegetarian option is for you if you want a mouth-watering meal consisting of crunchy vegetables, delicious carbohydrates, and quality, meat-free proteins. You will not sacrifice taste!

Custom Plan

You want something different? Something unique? Something that is tailored to your needs? No worries, we got you covered with our custom plan. Just talk to our nutrition experts!

For all plans you can select between:

What will happen next?


1. Your Information

We need some information from you, to understand your current situation and the goals you have to recommend the perfect meal plan. 

2. Expert Consultation

Our expert will get in touch with you to consult you on which meal plan options are available to reach your goal fast.

3. Enjoy!

You can sit back and relax. We will prepare fresh & nutrient-rich meals for you every day and deliver them right to your door step. 

Meal Plan Impressions

Stop ordering junk food. Stop procrastinating. Feel better now!

We know you often thought about changing your eating habits. Now is the time. Start fighting your inner daemon together with us. We help you to achieve your dream physique and mental state. Lets start – you deserve it.
